
Step 1

To install Uccelerate, you first need to have a working Ucommerce installed. To do this, follow the instructions on Ucommerce For Umbraco. We recommend that you make a local installation from NuGet.

Step 2

When you have a running Ucommerce installation you can install the package provided to you on purchase. The installation is a standard Umbraco package installation. Follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your Umbraco site and go to the Developer section.

  2. Click on Packages

  3. Click on Install local

  4. Drag in the Uccelerate package

  5. Accept terms of use and click Install Package

Installation on Umbraco Cloud

If you intend to host the solution on Umbraco Cloud we recommend that you run the installation locally first and then push it to Cloud to ensure that all files and changes from the installation are committed to Git.

Step 3

After installation, you need to install the license provided to you on purchase. You do this the same way you install the Ucommerce license. You simply add the Uccelerate.key to your root folder and restart the site.

After installtion

  1. Go to the Content section and right click the site node than choose ”Publish”. Check both checkboxes and press the ”Publish” button.

  2. Add SMTP credentials in Web.config

  3. Connect to Order-confirm E-mail Template node in Ucommerce under Settings > E-mail > Profiles > Default > OrderConfirmation

  4. Add Shipping Method

  5. Add Payment Method

Last updated

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